Member Spotlights
The AI Thing No One’s Talking About
Who owns an AI-created image or written work?
As of this writing, the answer is clear: No one owns it.
- If you use AI to write a book anyone can publish the book.
- If you use AI to create an image, anyone can reproduce and sell it.
- If your contract requires you to transfer the copyright to a deliverable, you’re in breach of your contract if you use AI.
Let’s look at the rulings that support this conclusion, starting with the “Monkey Selfie” case.
Naruto, a crested macaque monkey, took selfies with David Slater’s camera. Slater published a book of the selfies. An animal rights group sued claiming that Naruto owned the copyright to the photos. The court ruled that the Copyright Act protects only works created by humans.[1]

In 2019, Steven Thaler tried to register the copyright to an image created by his “Creativity Machine.” He claimed it was a “work made for hire” and therefore, he owned the copyright. The Copyright Office refused to register because it “lacks the human authorship necessary to support a copyright claim.”[2]

More recently, Kris Kashtanova created a comic book using Midjourney to draw images. Her copyright covers only the words and arrangement of the images but does not cover the individual images because they were created using AI.[3]
Bottom line: If ownership and exclusive rights to a work aren’t important, go ahead and use AI but, if you don’t want anyone to use or reproduce what you create or you’re contractually obligated to deliver copyrightable content, then stay away from AI.
[1] Naruto v. Slater, 888 F.3d 418, 426 (9th Cir. 2018)
[2] Initial Letter Refusing Registration from U.S. Copyright Office to Ryan Abbott (Aug. 12, 2019). Thaler requested reconsideration. Registration was denied because Thaler never submitted any evidence of sufficient creative input or intervention by a human author.
[3] The Copyright Office initially granted a copyright to the entire comic book. That initial grant was later reconsidered when it became clear that the images had been created using AI.
Link to original article:
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Alejandra Velez
Irene Fernández
Isa Crosta
Michele Berdinis
Audrey Tappan
Danni Friedman
Danielle Wallis
Kassandra Jones
Yelle Belle
Eve Kat
Drea DeMarchi
Arielle Cohen
Ozi Hidalgo
Yelle Belle
Katriana Zommers
Laurel A. Carpenter
Shay Charles
Danielle Hughes
Audrey Tappan
Elaine Gazzard
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Mackenzie Barth
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Listen to our Co-Lead Latoya Ramos chat with Gillian Rappaport, Evan Landau, and Mackenzie Beth about their experiences with sustainability.
Rachelle McCoy
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Katherine Myles
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Laurel Carpenter
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Hilary Campbell
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Arielle Cohen
Audrey Tappan
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Rachel Ott
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Elijah Crafter
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Latoya Ramos
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Listen to our Co-Lead Latoya Ramos chat with Gillian Rappaport, Evan Landau, and Mackenzie Beth about his experiences with sustainability.
Together we create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Evan Landau
Sustainability from Childhood is an InCreative.Co's series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world.
Listen to environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power.
Together we create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Danielle Hughes
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
See More From the Series!
Alejandra Velez
Irene Fernández
Isa Crosta
Michele Berdinis
Audrey Tappan
Danni Friedman
Danielle Wallis
Kassandra Jones
Yelle Belle
Eve Kat
Drea DeMarchi
Arielle Cohen
Ozi Hidalgo
Yelle Belle
Katriana Zommers
Laurel A. Carpenter
Shay Charles
Danielle Hughes
Audrey Tappan
Elaine Gazzard
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Mackenzie Barth
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Listen to our Co-Lead Latoya Ramos chat with Gillian Rappaport, Evan Landau, and Mackenzie Beth about their experiences with sustainability.
Rachelle McCoy
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Katherine Myles
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Laurel Carpenter
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Hilary Campbell
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Arielle Cohen
Audrey Tappan
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Rachel Ott
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Elijah Crafter
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.
Latoya Ramos
Sustainability from Childhood is InCreativeCo's new series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world, environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power and together create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Listen to our Co-Lead Latoya Ramos chat with Gillian Rappaport, Evan Landau, and Mackenzie Beth about his experiences with sustainability.
Together we create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Evan Landau
Sustainability from Childhood is an InCreative.Co's series aimed at exploring the relationship between our connection to nature as children and our dedication to our natural world.
Listen to environmental strategists, mechanical engineers, herbalists and foragers speak their truth to power.
Together we create a collection of imaginative and practical proposals for the action that we need in this moment of climate catastrophe.
Danielle Hughes
Member spotlights are our way of giving our members a chance to share their expertise with the world.
This member spotlight features Danielle Hughes! She is the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing and helps individuals and organizations develop their Genuine Personality Brand. Listen to Danielle speak about her experiences with Personality Branding and how you can find your own.