Sewistorical is more than sewing education. It is a movement of grace, compassion, and accessible information for a new generation of confident creatives. Kelly Mann, founder of Sewistorical and fashion historian, guides and supports students as they pursue their audacious goals of making an accurate, authentic costume from scratch.
Templated for consistency. We went beyond the website by designing marketing assets and templates to cover all of Sewistorical’s marketingplatforms. This included Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and email banners, Instagram templates, and layouts for downloadable freebies. We also created a fun quiz that captured emails for lead generation.
Directing, editing, and animating. The founder of Sewistorical is far from camera shy so we directed her to welcome her audience onto her website with a video, which helps cut down on the amount of text on the home page. Our team also edited a tutorial video to create a concise natural storyline. We animated the logo so that needle was threading as the intro and outro.